Friday, September 29, 2006

Decisions to make - Windows

In order for us to be able to ask for prices of new windows we need to decide all window details pretty soon. Fortunately we are getting quite apt at different styles and designs of the 1880s.


After we applied for "bygglov" on September 21st, we have now received a receipt from Stadbyggnadskontoret. The receipt is dated the 22nd, the poststamp is the 27th and we received it on the 28th.

It is fun reading ;-)

ASKER 4 Uppf av garage/förråd samt 3 nya takkupor, 4 nya takfönster.

Stadsbyggnadskontoret har registrerat Er ansökan enligt ovan.

Vi behandlar inkomna ansökningar i datumordning och kommer att kontakta Er för eventuella kompletteringar eller synpunkter på inlämnat material när handläggning påbörjats.

Handläggare är ännu ej utsedd.

Allmänna frågor besvaras under telfontid mån-fre 10-12 av:
granskningsingenjör NN
granskningsingenjör NN
arkitekt NN
arkitekt NN

Med vänlig hälsning


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Byggnadslovsansökan supplied

We have filed a "bygglovsansökan". I am not sure if I think all the bureacracy involved in building or renovating a house in Sweden is necessary. One thing I am certain of though: it takes much too long to get an approval on the bygglovsansökan. 12 weeks :-(
It should not be that difficult to handle.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hagalund 1944 and 1970

While fixing the house we will try to look into the history of it. In Svenska Gods och Gårdar IV from 1944 we found some history and a picture.

This is a picture of Hagalund from around 1970.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The drawings

Here are the new drawings. We like the proposal a lot. The architects, Bjartmar & Hylta Arkitekter, have done a great job.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tearing down the interior

Now we have started to tear down the ceiling and walls in one room. It took us the best part of a weekend to get the ceiling down and get started on the walls.

We managed to take away stuff around the window. Now we can see the brick wall.

The ceiling had wooden panel. Above that, insulation.

Finally, the ceiling is clean.

Oops, a door behind the wall. Interesting.

Making some money

We wanted to get rid of some of the stuff in the house. Why not try Blocket?
It worked fairly well. So far we have managed to sell two wardrobes, one dishwasher and one stove.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Trompe l'Oeil

When removing shelves from the pantry inside the old kitchen, one shelf turned out to be an old painted door. Too bad it is not possible to use any more.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


We have started a technical investigation of the house in order to better be able to state requirements on the renovation.

After the investigation we'll blow out most of the interiors downstairs.

Working the garden

Today we have removed a lot of bushes from the western side of the house.

The window is not in very good shape :-(

Friday, September 01, 2006


The house is properly measured and we have received drawings of the current plan.